Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chapter 13: Of Unicorns and Horses

My friend, of testicular origin, is waxing and waning between his preferences for different types of women. At one end is a woman with a steady job who has the time to devote to loving and caring for him. At the other end is an overachieving woman who prioritizes career first and barely has time to scrape for a relationship. 

After much struggle with his rational self and the undivided attention from the kind woman, he decided to forego on this inner beauty. My Rich Indian Banker (RIB) friend could not resist the temptation of conquering the testosterone woman. However, his fear continues… that such a prize horse will not give him the love and care that he got from the horse that he decided was a little lame for his adventurous tastes. My prognosis for my RIB friend is that he will continue to look for the unicorn and lose both the horses in the endeavor.

As some of us women approach our mid-30s, we are struggling with whether to continue to let career  take up our undivided attention or to slow down and smell the roses.. aka listen to the tocking of our biological clock. If Lady Gaga is to be the role model, she recently commented in Cosmo, “, “Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore." So shall we continue to find cold comfort in our careers?

A guy friend of mine laid the facts out. He stated it clearly that he likes overachieving women. Women with a demanding career, more money and who don’t give a damn about relationship status are his thing. It’s another story altogether that his commitment phobic nature is legendary and that’s what probably drives him to such women. Successful women, in his opinion, are mature enough to take his inability to commit in a stride and still put out. He reasons that since these women have other important things to do, they do not give import to the lack of a serious relationship in their lives. This translates into stimulating conversation, easy sex and nothing much beyond it for my man friend and a case of scratching the itch for the lady in question.

So where does this leave women like me who are gearing up for a matrimonial fulfilled existence? Are we lame horses since we give a damn? In this city, after all, the men play at being conquistadors. They so fervently hunt for the evasive prize that attraction to inherent qualities of goodness appear to take a backseat.

My only piece of advice to the girl-horses out there is - sift through the conquistadors and wait for the one who will be there for you whether you go lame or turn into a race horse.  If it feels like work to be with a man, it’s the wrong sort of work!!! So wait for the one that matters - the one who will be done notching up his bedpost.

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