A Caucasian friend warned me one day how the Indian boy coming for dinner will not be into me. This lack of confidence in my charms hurt immensely till she tried to elaborate further. Her earlier discussions with the eligible Indian bachelor indicated that he thought Indian women (more than any other country sisters) were gold diggers.
Apparently, this Indian gift to womankind (according to my friend and self-professed by the gift) was of the dime a dozen IIT IIM variety in my homeland. However, this specimen had been extremely successful in the evil Wall Street kingdom which now made him a rabbit’s foot for all women.
My friend further elucidated that he shared with her how the IIT IIM and Wall Street tag made Indian women orgasm at the sight (or description) of him. Hence, my friend’s warning to keep dry while he was around.
To defend against this brown gold digger variety, he had decided to date only white and ensure that he was liked despite his abundance of wealth and lack of goodness. My rebuttal to my friend was whether all Ivy League guys in successful positions, by that logic, avoided all American beauties? Actually, given Ivy Leagues’ well renowned status worldwide, were they strictly restricting themselves to the uneducated or perhaps alien variety only?
Such a harsh judgement on my Indian sisters, obviously set me out on an exploration on their experiences. One such lovely, well educated, accomplished and fashionable girl pontificated that the first generation 30 something Indian boys with the IIT IIM tag were veritable dating pariahs back in the homeland. They spend their teens and early 20s by building muscle tone only through lifting books, being socially awkward and wearing clothes that helped them merge with the wall paper. Hard work, wealth and social success in this lovely country have lent them a sheen but has not erased their inherent insecurity. These guys, hence, continue to struggle to prove their social worth and a Caucasian beauty on their arm is another proof of social acceptance.
Well, my mantra is - there is a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow… date all colors of mankind and womankind to discover yours.
I love the last line :)