I am one of those who loves getting set up. When friends introduce me to eligible marital candidates, I always jump at a chance. I frankly do not get people who detest getting set up by friends. I mean, who better to set you up than your friends who know you well. Right? Wrong!!!
I realized something was awry when the quality of these individuals became increasingly suspect. For instance, I was introduced to Mr G – an investment banker sorts- who lives in the vicinity. Thinking that what could be better than a fun and cute looking (he rapidly friended me on facebook allowing me to amply browse pictures of him partying with lots of cleavage flashing women or doing myriad fun things in exotic locations), loaded (he apparently ran his own fund), New York resident (long distance is a non-starter) who is looking to meet someone special. However, on successful contact and exchange of emails, Mr G suddenly was busy, camping, in ill health or otherwise occupied.
I finally did meet the elusive suitable boy to realize that he was battling mid-life crisis by hitting as many bars as humanly possible, sliding towards bankruptcy in the downturn, moving to upstate NY to manage finances and looking for a girl friend in the city where he could park his ass on the weekends to avoid drunk driving to his sunny village home.
Another of my friends set me up with an IT guy from the West Coast who was learning salsa, looked cute in glasses and also had an interesting facebook life. Mr IT turned out to be conversationally challenged, beginner salsa dancer who twirled me into various pillars and tried to make me take a subway while I was dressed like a skank.
So what was going wrong? Why did my close friends pick these totally inappropriate matches for me despite knowing me and what I would appreciate? It appears that when you get to be a certain age, your friends will set you up with anyone single. Apparently given my increasing proximity to menopause, they are of the view that I am desperate.
As a guy friend of mine in similar conundrum put it.. he feels he is now a consolation prize for anyone who becomes available on the market and is recovering from a break-up, divorce or an unfortunate sexual act. My good friends forget that one of the reasons I am still single is because I have goals and I am not ready to compromise on them. Helping put Humpty Dumpty back together is not what I am hoping to spend precious time on.
So the quest prevails and the list of fodder inspiring men continues to grow long… and wisdom-imparting friends who complain on my picky ways continue to set me up with neurotic, paranoid, insecure men who are looking for a sugar mama in these recession hit days.