Friday, March 11, 2011

Chapter 5: Dating the Sub-Continent

While I have happily mulled over the prospects of a White knight, I have not given up on the Indian sub-continent yet. And the sub-continent truly encompasses other adjoining countries.. which brought me into a situation of dating men from Pakistan and Bangladesh. This obviously meant that they were Muslim and though my sainted mother loves all religions, the idea of her little one with someone from the Islamic religion is well nigh to give her nightmares. 

My mother has a curious attitude towards religion.. despite the presence of myriad idols in our house, she spent many years opening herself to other influences and has shown a remarkable tolerance to all and sundry. She taught me to embrace humankind first and foremost but her aversion to me marrying a Muslim man is legendary. She fears that my charms (or lack of them) are likely to drive the man to other women’s arms and given the lax attitude towards polygamy propagated by that side of the border, I would be a victim of such abuse. 

However, I think her concerns are pure archaic baloney and my early upbringing to embrace all mankind led me to the path to do just that. In the spirit of such camaraderie, I have been open to meeting men from all religious background as long as they do not practice it fervently. I have no appetite for God discussions and devoutly believe that my conversation or battles with HIM are my own private matter. I am averse to public display of religious fervor and visiting cavernous halls set up with dirty money in HIS name. So you get the point and I will step off the pulpit to hold forth on my run-ins with the rest of the sub-continent men.

With this lack of baggage, I graciously accepted a date with a well spoken, England educated Bangladeshi banker boy. His use of the word facetious correctly in a sentence on our first date won him my secret accolades. Well spoken, well read, well travelled, wealthy and with all such Ws intact, what was not to like? While my friends often commented how we looked like Beauty and Gollum, I was unconcerned. Rapid wit, engaging personality, a good vocabulary comprised the right ingredients for him to win me over despite his poor choice of wardrobe, lack of muscle tone and short stature. Till I found that he was dating 5 women at the same time.

The Rich Banker phenomenon apparently percolates across borders and is not the mainstay of the Indian male.  The Ivy-league educated unsuitable boy felt that his pots of money should be used to attract lots of honey, which he felt his due to taste. While he viciously advocated monogamy, an ex-wife, who apparently was still legally his wife, a girlfriend who cooked and cared for him in sickness and other lady friends in the mix were the modern day version of his aspirations for a harem.

The prerogative of dating multiple women at the same time appears to be shared by the entire brethren of the banker community resident in NYC. I have heard them espouse the theory that long hours at work leads to the desire for urgent sexual relief without the time available to pander to the needs of a relationship. Hence, the access to multiple women at the same time increases the probability of obtaining orgasmic relief. Cosmo, in fact, pointed out that 75% of wealthy men in a study said that frequent sex and more partners was the benefit of being rich. A friend of mine dated someone from this community, who promptly jumped off the bed after sex and weighed himself… whether he was checking his weight or departure of a heavy conscience is open to question.

Hence, ended my first endeavor to explore the other side of the border… but one poor experience should not color the entire country. I hope to continue the quest no matter whether it lies in any country of the sub-continent or the world.

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