A male friend of mine recently pontificated on differences in how men and women differ in mating behavior using the cornfield theory.
The experiment goes that a man and a woman were sent into a cornfield to get the best sheaf of corn and return within 20 minutes. The woman returned in 3 minutes whereas the man came back hurrying, far exceeding the allotted 20 minutes. When queried, the woman answered that she found a corn that looked nice, full and large enough and she thought that it would do as the best corn. (This all lends me to believe that it’s the cosmetic lobby that is creating penis insecurity and advertising genital enlargement. For most women, if it works, can screw clock and anti-clockwise, it suffices).
The man, however, answered that he found one quickly enough but wanted to check if there was something better further afield and hence, wandered, lost his way, and took time to get back. (This lends me to believe that the drive towards breast enlargement is encouraged by the male brethren and is not merely a massive move to create new areas of medical research and jobs).
I was also informed that various other rational choice theories also come into play to explain the difference in mating behavior. A man is driven by ‘competitive analysis’ … the more desirable he perceives the woman, the higher the value he attaches to the relationship (this actually plays well into my conquistador example- see Unicorns and Horses). Men, hence, are continuously scanning and playing the game of upgrading to the newer and more desirable models. As they grow older, they also have a wider field (with an increasingly younger band of women) to play especially equipped as they are with older man wiles of more money and charm (read ability to lie, dissimulate and pretend effectively).
Women, on the other hand, operate under a cost/benefit analysis where they perceive higher benefits of marriage associated with children and shared effort of raising them (read for more enlightenment on the subject). And as this benefit escalates as we grow older, so the women sift and choose from the available pool to mitigate risks and costs of not being able to pop a bawling infant or two and be part of a family structure.
Cosmo says that men are natural born one-uppers; if there is a possibility of upgrading, they will. My womb agonized sisters on the other hand, continue to play the game by exercising, botoxing and dieting to maintain the upgraded look … pavlovian conditioning indeed!!!
Loved it!!!